Channel: Computerworld Blogs - desktop
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Has Microsoft finally admitted Windows 8 was a colossal blunder?

Microsoft's decision to finally bring back a true Start menu to Windows begs the question: Has it finally recognized what a massive mistake it made with Windows 8, or is Microsoft just reluctantly...

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Windows 9 will mean the revenge of the Desktop

Microsoft tried to kill the Desktop in Windows 8, but with Windows 9 the Desktop may well take center stage again. Reports says that the next Windows release, due possibly in the middle of 2015, may...

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Here's how to make your Windows machine run Chrome OS

Want to use Chrome without buying a Chromebook? Here's a simple way to do it on a Windows machine that will take only a few minutes. You won't get all of Chrome's features, but you will get the most...

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Microsoft cries 'uncle' on Windows 8 -- 8.1 update boots straight to desktop

Microsoft has apparently finally admitted that Windows 8's dueling tablet-PC interface was a mistake, because reports say that in the upcoming 8.1 update Windows will bypass the Start screen and boot...

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Apple eats its own dog food

Apple continues the thirtieth birthday of the Macintosh with a new video clip designed to show how its technologies have impacted the creative industries, but has the company got a plan to ensure 2044...

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Six ways the Windows 8.1 update bridges the Desktop-Start Menu divide

With the Windows 8.1 update, Microsoft has finally realized it has to make its duelling Desktop and Start Menu interfaces play nice together. Based on the latest leaks, here are six ways it does it.

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Failing Microsoft must bring Office to iPad

Microsoft may have chosen a new CEO but it seems it still hasn't figured out how to carve a future in the Apple-driven Post-PC computer world. And it all comes down to Office.

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